Reasons To Not Own A Smart Watch

Owning a smart watch has never been on my list of "must haves" and it's never likely to make it on there either.

I wouldn't call myself a technophobe but this constant need for friends to know their step count and heart rate seems alien to me. What do they do with data except bore me when we have our bi-monthly coffee catch up? "Six thousand steps and it's not eleven o'clock!" Shut up.

Don't get me started on them leaning over to pay like a constipated octopus, "I've got this." Well yeah, I paid last time. It's times like this you know Bukowski was right when he said "isolation is the gift." This world isn't for me.

Now, the main reason for me never wanting to own one of these contraptions is the inevitable anxiety it would bring to my life. Can you imagine going out for a big walk, out of breath on return, and you've done two thousand steps fewer than yesterday? Happy or sad? Life dictated by numbers on a screen.

Or going for a bike ride along the beach and not taking the time to look at the sunrise or listen to the sound of the waves because you're too focused on beating your last sectional or trying to become a "local legend." Life's what happens while you're busy watching bpm's.

If we add in the astronomical cost, the lack of style, the unreliability of the data given, the fact they mightn't work if you have a tattoo on your wrist, and the feeling of being constantly under surveillance from whichever company you've handed over your hard earned money to, then I'm afraid there's more chance of Grant Cardone not 10 x'ing on a condo than of me ever owning a smart watch.

Times up.

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